Parks Volunteer Application Form

Contact Information


We like to keep volunteers informed via email, however we will not send you any email you prefer not to receive.

Use the checkboxes to select the kinds of email you would like to receive.
Emergency Contact Name:*
Emergency Contact Address:*


Availability: Please indicate the days and times you are usually available to volunteer:
Skills & Experience: In which of these areas do you feel you have moderate to excellent skill? (Check all that apply)
Certifications (check all that apply)
Interests: (check all that apply)*
Specify the volunteer opportunity you are interested in (check all that apply)*


As a volunteer, I will provide two references (can be professional or personal)

Reference 1 Name:*
Reference 1 Address:*

Reference 2 Name:*
Reference 2 Address:*

Additional Information

Please answer these questions.

Why are you interested in volunteering? (check all that apply)

Please note:

Burlington County Parks requires a standard waiver for all volunteers. This form will need to be completed prior to your service.  You will receive a waiver form from Parks Staff once you are approved and assigned to suitable tasks.

Burlington County Parks requires background checks for all volunteers working with minors.  

Burlington County Parks will provide all approved volunteers with the County’s rules and regulations prior to the start of service. 

I understand and agree that submitting this application form does not automatically register me as a Burlington County Parks Volunteer, and that there may be qualifications and volunteer policies I must meet prior to beginning my service.

By submitting this form, I attest that the information I have provided is true and accurate. *
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Date Created
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